State Exam

The state final examination consists of a defence of the bachelor's thesis and a written examination.

The thesis defence consists of the following parts:

  1. An introductory brief presentation of the thesis by the graduate (2-3 minutes) - the topic of the thesis, basic objectives, theories, concepts or methods used, findings and conclusions of the thesis.
  2. Summary of the supervisor's evaluation and the opponent's opinion, the graduate's opportunity to comment on the evaluation and the opinion, i.e. to answer the comments made and questions asked.
  3. Debate on the thesis and questions from the committee members.

The written examination is divided into two thematically defined sections: Political and Media Systems and Communication Effects and Political Behavior. The content of the exam is based on the content of the compulsory courses and aims to test theoretical knowledge, knowledge of methods and techniques of analysis and the ability to think critically and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the study of politics, media and communication. Each part of the examination is based on a list of topics and the assigned readings. The examination takes the form of a written test. Five open-ended questions will be formulated from each of the parts of the exam, and students will answer four questions in each part (they will choose one question not to answer).

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